Leading More with Less

Leading More with Less

In a challenging environment, how do you inspire employees to become more involved, engaged and productive?

Let's face it, these days we're all being asked to do a lot more, with a lot less. Everyone's feeling the stress, and it's easy for employees to become unfocused and concerned with self-preservation. In this kind of environment, strong leadership skills have never been more important.

Leading More with Less demonstrates six critical leadership skills that will inspire employees through difficult periods. These skills are universal and can be used through goodand badtimes, without spending any scarce resources. The key to understanding how these concepts work, is to see them in action. This video realistically demonstrates both "wrong way" and "right way," leadership examplesand the powerful effect they have on employees. The program is broken down into six distinct sectionswith each chapter focusing on a specific technique:

    1. What have you got to hide?
    2. Are you well-informed?
    3. Who's got the last word?
    4. Déjà vu all over again?
    5. Who do you appreciate?
    6. Who's watching you?

Key Learning Points

  • Tell The Truth
  • Create An Open Environment
  • Support Autonomy
  • Challenge The Status Quo
  • Show Appreciation
  • Set An Outstanding Example

Support Materials

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USB and DVD formats available.

Multi-language versions available.

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Title Leading More with Less
Program length 17 minutes

Leader's guide, reproducible participant worksheets in PDF format and supporting PowerPoint slides.