Workplace Violence: From Threats to Active Shootings

Workplace Violence: From Threats to Active Shootings

Workplace Violence: From Threats to Active Shootings is an interactive course that defines workplace violence as problem behaviors ranging from threats and bullying to physical and sexual assault and active shootings. It teaches employees about the prevalence and serious nature of workplace violence, emphasizes the responsibility we all have to foster a safe workplace, and provides specific ways to do so.

Most active shootings in the U.S. occur in the workplace, and it has become increasingly important for employees to know how best to enhance their own safety as well as the safety of their coworkers and how best to respond in the event of an active-shooter event.

Workplace Violence: From Threats to Active Shootings focuses on three key areas:

  • A Culture of Safety (including how the cultivation of emotional intelligence and the practice of civility and respect contribute to the maintenance of a safe workplace)
  • Threat Assessment: Profile of an Active Shooter (including a list of red flags that may be signs of potentially violent behavior)
  • An Active-Shooting Response Plan (including the response plan recommended by the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI)

An essential tool for a safe and positive workplace.

Use our LMS or your own platform for individual Self-paced eLearning/Streaming.

Multi-language versions available.

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Title Workplace Violence: From Threats to Active Shootings
Program length 15 minutes