HR News

Improve Your Office Day

October 3, 2023

Improve Your Office Day, celebrated annually on October 4, has rather obscure origins, but the day continues to be a helpful reminder for individuals and organizations to take stock of their work environments and make some positive changes.  Improvements might include such things as organizing, cleaning, decorating, and updating work processes and equipment in order to increase productivity, reduce stress, and make a workplace more aesthetically pleasing and a more inviting place to be.

On-site employees can be encouraged to take some time to make their workspace, desk, or cubicle more user-friendly and attractive. Even employees working remotely, and perhaps without a dedicated office space, can be given time during their workday to make small, helpful changes, like tidying up their work area or cleaning their keyboard and mouse.

To facilitate team building and celebrate the day, initiate activities related to the Improve Your Office theme:

  • Office cleanup: Encourage your colleagues to de-clutter their workspaces and organize their files. Provide labeled storage containers and shelves to keep things neat and reduce distractions.
  • Office decoration challenge: Hold a contest where teams or individuals can compete to decorate their workspace creatively. Set guidelines regarding themes and restrictions to make it more challenging but fun.
  • Ergonomics workshop: Arrange a workshop or invite an expert to educate employees about ergonomics and how to set up their workstations properly. This can help improve comfort and prevent work-related injuries.
  • Office fitness break: Encourage everyone to take a break during the day to participate in a physical activity such as yoga or a group walk.
  • Office organization challenge: Create a challenge where employees have to organize a supply closet, shared workspace, or office kitchenette. The team with the most organized space wins a prize or recognition.
  • Communication and feedback session: Schedule a meeting where employees can openly share their suggestions, concerns, and ideas to improve office communication. Encourage honest and constructive feedback to help address any existing issues.
  • Learning sessions: Arrange short training or development sessions on topics that introduce new skills like time management or office safety.
  • Team-building exercises or games: Organize activities that encourage collaboration and enhance teamwork. This can include exercises such as escape rooms, group puzzles, or team sports. Award prizes.
  • Recognition and appreciation: Take the opportunity to recognize and appreciate employees’ hard work. Provide small gestures like handwritten notes, certificates, or team lunches to show gratitude and motivation.

Make sure activities are inclusive and everyone feels welcome to participate.

Improve Your Office Day is a fun opportunity to spruce up the office or workspace, do something fun or educational with one’s coworkers, take a break from routine, and make some tangible improvements. 

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