New Workplace Training Programs for 2025
Explore newly released workplace training videos and online eLearning courses.
From the Common Cold and Flu to Novel Coronaviruses
Health Essentials at Work: Avoiding Infectious Disease
Cybersecurity Essentials for Employees takes a commonsense approach, providing practical solutions to employee’s everyday e-security challenges.
Cybersecurity Essentials for Employees
Ethics Rules of the Road focuses on five areas of particular concern—dishonesty, theft, harassment, illegal financial manipulations, and safety violations.
Ethics Rules of the Road
A short but comprehensive program that covers the essential information all managers and supervisors need to have about what harassment is and how to deal with it proactively.
Harassment-Prevention Essentials for Managers
Each of the six programs concentrates on four key learning points and their “takeaways,” or sentence-long summations to provide basic tools on managing a respectful and legally compliant workplace.
The "TAKEAWAY" for Managers™ Series
Each of the six programs concentrates on four key learning points and their “takeaways,” or sentence-long summations to provide basic tools on managing a respectful and legally compliant workplace.
The "TAKEAWAY" for Managers™ California Edition Series
This 9-minute program concentrates on four key learning points and their “takeaways,” or sentence-long summations, to help managers foster an inclusive, professional environment.
Diversity, Respect, & Legal Compliance — the "TAKEAWAY" for...
This concise program is both comprehensive and simple to understand, with short vignettes that illustrate and dramatize the material presented.
Sexual Harassment — the "TAKEAWAY" for Managers™
This conversational, easy-to-use program for managers explains the ins and outs of conducting a legal job interview.
"Can I Ask That?" Legal Interviewing — the "TAKEAWAY" for...
This conversational, easy-to-use program for managers explains the Americans with Disabilities Act—its significance and its requirements.
ADA in a Nutshell — the "TAKEAWAY" for Managers™
This 10-minute program concentrates on four key learning points and their “takeaways,” or sentence-long summations, to convey the importance to managers and supervisors of a proactive, positive, and legally compliant approach to discipline, documentation, and termination.
Discipline, Documentation, & Termination — the "TAKEAWAY" for...